Can sleep affect your metabolism? Studies have clearly shown that sleep has a massive impact on your bodily functions and metabolism. A good amount of sleep is a requirement and has proven to be a necessity for better health. Regulation of hormones and energy production are all metabolic activities that can only be met with enough sleep.
What Is Metabolism?
Metabolism can be described as the chemical process which takes place inside the body for maintaining basic life activities. Our bodily functions can only be regulated with sufficient metabolic activities.
The chemical changes happening in the cell produce energy for all life activities and the process of metabolism provides sufficient nutrients for the growth of cells and organisms. Elimination of toxic substances from our bodies is also carried out by metabolism.
Metabolism And Sleep
Sleep deprivation can affect metabolic activities. Hormonal imbalances can be caused due to lack of sleep and this in turn can slow down all the functions of the body. Sympathetic overstimulation, subclinical inflammation, and hormonal imbalances are some of the dysfunctions which can happen due to low metabolic activities as a result of sleep deprivation.
During sleep, the metabolic activity of the body is slowed down. Therefore lack of sleep can lead to the production of active hormones on a higher level which in turn can disrupt regular metabolic activities. Metabolic dysregulations caused by irregular sleeping patterns are topic that needs immediate attention.
Reasons For Sleeplessness
Sleep deprivation may occur due to various reasons. And some of the reasons may need medical attention.
💤 Sleeping disorders
💤 sedentary lifestyle
💤 Inconsistent sleep
💤 Dehydration
💤 Use of tobacco
💤 Use of electronic devices before bed
💤 Poor sleeping hygiene
Tips For Getting Sleep
Providing enough physical and mental rest for the body and mind is a very important factor. But a lot of people struggle with sleeplessness and sleeping disorders due to several reasons. Sleep deprivation may happen due to numerous reasons and some of them can be a result of a sedentary lifestyle. An inactive body can be a vessel of several health issues. There are different methods that you can try out if you are struggling with a lack of sleep. Some of them are listed below.
- Try to avoid daytime naps. For getting a full and continuous sleep at night it is appropriate to avoid daytime naps.
- The increased amount of caffeine consumption can prevent your mind from feeling sleepy. Therefore restrict caffeine drinks before going to bed.
- Use of tobacco can cause numerous health issues along with disrupting your sleep.
- Taking sleeping pills without a specialist’s consultation can adversely affect your sleep and health. With the continued use of sleeping pills, your body loses its natural ability to fall asleep. Eventually, this can lead to many severe health issues.
- Try to be physically active. Give your body enough movement without being stationary. Doing exercises have various health benefits apart from just providing you a good sleep.
- Use of electronic devices before going to bed can affect your sleep. Cut off the use of electronic devices at least thirty minutes before bed and make sure that your bedroom doesn’t have any devices that give you screen exposure.
- Having a darker and cold room can stimulate sleep.
How Does Sleep Benefit Metabolism?
Perks of having a consistent sleep pattern benefit not only metabolic activities but improves the overall health of the body. Having a regular sleeping pattern helps in building up immunity and the probability of getting sick will be reduced.
The regulation of metabolic activities is carried out with the help of sleep. Sleep can control appetite and thus helps in maintaining a healthy weight. Ever wondered why you get mood swings during the day followed by a sleepless night? It clearly indicates the role of sleep in improving mood and reducing stress.
Regular sleep deprivation can result in unbalanced metabolic activities which can create several problems including obesity and hormonal imbalance
Getting sufficient and high-quality sleep can affect the metabolic rates of your body and prevent you from gaining and losing extra weight. Having an uninterrupted metabolic activity can result in well-maintained bodily activities. Thus it is very important to get enough sleep.
Amount Of Sleep Needed For Metabolism
An average person should sleep for 7-9 hours and should have a sleep ritual by sticking to a schedule. To enhance your sleep you can take a warm bath or do some reading instead of using cell phones or computers.
Cutting down sleeping hours can alter the levels of hormones that regulate metabolic activities.
Final Verdict
From the studies conducted by many specialists and experts around the world, it’s obvious that sleep is necessary for the human body to work. Metabolic activities along with every other bodily activity will only be regulated with an accurate amount of sleep. Sleeping less than 7 hours frequently can increase the risk factor of getting metabolic syndrome. Hence it is necessary to have a sleep routine and a healthy lifestyle to improve mental and physical health.